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How To Fix Black Camera By Jumping Wire

iPhone front camera not working? What should a repair technician start with? Follow our repair guide today and learn how to troubleshoot step by step. What’s more, REWA LAB will show you how to avoid further damaging the logic board by adopting a fresh new repair solution.

How to Reassemble the iPhone 8 Plus

This guide tells you how to assemble the whole iPhone 8 Plus. It includes how to assemble the iPhone 8 Plus back housing, the iPhone 8 Plus LCD screen.

iphone6 Remove iCloud

Broken iPhone REVIVE (Turn NAND Flash Chip To USB Flash Drive)

E-waste is most commonly seen in repair shops. What you usually do with these logic boards? Throw it away? Wait a minute! You can also turn waste to wealth. Check out our video today and learn how to turn an iPhone NAND flash chip into a USB flash drive. Say no to e-waste and do… Read more »

iPhone 6s Glass-Only Display Repair

Demonstration of how to replace the glass in the iPhone 6s display. This is an advanced repair requiring specialized equipment and complete refurbishing of the display.