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iPhone X Display repair guide

Our high quality repair guide now in english! Back up all your data before the repair, and touch something metal, like a radiator to get rid of any static charges. The repair is a little more difficult and you need 60-90 minutes.

iPhone 14 Teardown

How iPhone X Boot Circuit Works – Logic Board Repair Online Course

The boot circuit can be regarded as logic board trigger circuit. To have the phone turned on, working conditions like power supply, clock signal and reset signal are indispensable. What’s more, CPU has to get key components into power-on self-test process and get the bootstrap imported. Since there are so many components involved in the… Read more »

iPhone 8 Plus Teardown

They say that good things come in threes. Seems like Apple has really taken that adage to heart with an unusual release of three new phones this season. We already showed you what’s inside the iPhone 8—but what about the 8 Plus? Is wireless charging wrapped in pretty pink glass enough to distinguish the iPhone 8… Read more »